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Urban Knitting!

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I was asked recently to post some info on a new project by Eilish Tuite of Limerick IT as part of Urban Knit Limerick which is supported by Vodafone.

‘What we want to do is cover an empty building in Limerick City with approximately 3,000 knitted patches, patches that have been knitted all over the country and sent to us by the community. The patches will be A4 in size and once 3,000 have been collected, they will be stitched together to create a blanket over the entire building. Limerick and Ireland is in some serious need of cheering up and this will do just the trick.

When the project has been completed, the blanket will be separated into smaller knitted blankets which will then be donated to the St. Vincents Community. The charity is very deserving and has helped a lot of people in Ireland, and that’s why this project will give something back to them.’

They have over 1000 patches collected but need loads more, so head over to UrbanKnitLimerick on Facebook to find out how to support them!